Nine sets of stairs, each consisting of four equal steps of increasing intensity.
First step easy, second step moderate, third step hard, final step very hard.
1 x 8 minutes staircase
3 x 4 minutes staircase
5 x 2 minutes staircase
Up Next in Indoor Cycling
Descending Efforts 4,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
This workout is all about the relationship between intensity and duration. As the length of the efforts decreases, intensity must go up. This workout consists of 10 efforts of decreasing duration.
1 x 4 minutes
2 x 3 minutes
3 x 2 minutes
4 x 1 minute -
HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
High Intensity Interval Training is dependant on the variable of intensity being high. You have to work hard. REALLY hard for short periods of time.
This workout is broken into two halves.
The first half of the workout is 20 x 20 second efforts.
10 x 20 seconds on 40 seconds off.
20 x 20 secon... -
2 Minute Pyramids
Three 11 minute rounds of two minute pyramids.
The efforts start at 30 seconds and increase by 30 seconds each time until you reach 120 seconds. They then decrease in length my 30 seconds until the final 30 second effort is completed. Each effort is followed by a 30 second recovery.
Two minutes ...